Holistic approach

My approach is somewhat unorthodox, to say the least. I work purely on intuition and sense which questions I want to ask and which direction we are going. My business background helps me to do this in a structured way. My extensive experience in a broad spectrum of organizations, from technical companies to spiritual service providers, and from universities to ministries, helps me to quickly master your material and take steps.


In 3 steps we work towards your Profile with Soul, complete with metaphors, symbolism and content in words and images.

We then determine the communication strategy for how you will present yourself and how we will make this known to the world.


Let's twinkle!

'Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are'

On the way to your Profile with Soul

The twinkle

The twinkle in your eye when you talk about your passion is the most tangible message.

What is your passion? What is your vision as a professional, as an entrepreneur? What is your mission? What makes you happy, gives you energy? These are the ingredients that ensure connection.

Language of the heart

The twinkle is expressed in the language of the heart. It describes what you really find important and how others can respond to this. It provides an aligned narrative that makes you unique as a professional and as a company. Distinctive, intriguing, connecting.

Profile with soul

The language of the heart is converted into words and images for your profile and incorporated into all communications.

Metaphors and symbolism are also used to give it even more power and make it distinctive.

My tools

Organization & Communication

I have a wide range of experience and tools that I use for my clients:

  • organizational and communication analysis

  • communication scan

  • concepting & copywriting

  • branding

  • guidance transformations

Let me know what you need!

LEGO® Serious Play

As a practitioner, I bring LEGO into play to achieve surprising results with entrepreneurs and teams to align them with the core of the organization.

A proven method, scientifically substantiated and proven successful.



Do you want to play? I'll play along!

Big 5 for life™

Worldwide successful coaching method that empowers you in an accessible way! I base this on your five most important life goals; your Big Five for Life. This will give you focus again on what is really important in your life and work.Do, See and Experience.


Curious? Let me know!